21/10/2024 - Prof. Paulo Drews-Jr received a Young Researcher Award from the Brazilian Society of Automatics (SBA - Sociedade Brasileira de Automática), during the Brazilian Congress of Automatics (CBA - Congresso Brasileiro de Automatica. The news published in the FURG's website.
24/09/2024 - Again! Prof. Paulo Drews-Jr is one of the most impactful researcher in the world in 2023 according the ranking created by Stanford and Elsevier - World's Top 2% . Prof. Drews is on top-3 considering only the brazilian researchers in the field of Industrial Engineering and Automation and top-1500 in the world in the same field. The world position is 142266. The news published in the FURG's website. The website of the ranking can be seen here.
21/10/2023 - Prof. Paulo Drews-Jr is one of the most impactful researcher in the world in 2022 according the ranking created by Stanford and Elsevier. Prof. Drews is on top-3 considering only the brazilian researchers in the field of Industrial Engineering and Automation and top-1400 in the world in the same field. The world position is 144271. The news published in the FURG's website.
03/10/2023 - Presentation in IEEE IROS of my master student together with Kshitij Sirohi, Dr. Chih-Hong Cheng, Prof. Wolfram Burgard and Prof. Abhinav Valada entitled "EvCenterNet: Uncertainty Estimation for Object Detection using Evidential Learning". It is available in ArXIV.
20/06/2023 - A new JINT paper published with the last results of the PhD thesis of Dr. Matheus Machado dos Santos. The paper is entitled "A Probabilistic Underwater Localisation based on Cross-view and Cross-domain Acoustic and Aerial Images" and developed together with Giovanni Giocomo, Prof. Silvia Botelho and Prof. Paulo Evald.
08/02/2023 - A CVPR paper published as pre-print in colaboration with University of Freiburg and Technical University of Nuremberg entitled "SkyEye: Self-Supervised Bird's-Eye-View Semantic Mapping Using Monocular Frontal View Images", developed together with Nikhil Gosala, Kuersat Petek, Prof. Wolfram Burgard and Prof. Abhinav Valada. Webpage online, the code can be downloaded from there!
05/11/2022 - The Workshop III WTSUB is coming with a lot of nice activities. More details on
01/09/2022 - A new paper in Computer & Graphics entitled "Underwater enhancement based on a self-learning strategy and attention mechanism for high-intensity regions", developed together with students Claudio Mello and Bryan Moreira, and the colleague Prof. Silvia Botelho. The code is available on Github.
01/02/2022 - A new paper in IEEE ICRA 2022 with publication in the RA-Letter entitled "Cross-view and Cross-domain Underwater Localization based on Optical Aerial and Acoustic Underwater Images" developed together with students Matheus Machado and Giovanni Giacomo, and the colleague Prof. Silvia Botelho. The pre-print paper is available in ArXiv. The IEEEXplorer Version is also available.
04/05/2021 - A new paper in IEEE ICRA 2021 entitled "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of a Hybrid Aerial Underwater Vehicle with Medium Transition", developed together with students Ricardo Grando, Junior Costa de Jesus, Victor Kich, Alisson Kolling, Nicolas Pieper Bortoluzzi and Pedro Miranda Pinheiro, and the colleague Prof. Armando Alves Neto. The paper is available in ArXiv and code is available in Github.
24/03/2021 - A new paper published in ACM SAC - technical track on Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) entitled A Spatio-Temporal Exposure Correction Neural Network for Autonomous Vehicle, developed together with the students Albano Borba, Johann Pires e Rafael Escher; and the colleague Prof. Rodrigo de Bem. The presentation is available in YouTube, the code is available in GitHub and the paper is available on ResearchGate.
15/03/2021 - Two new papers in Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JINT). 1) Guided Sonar-to-Satellite Translation from our students Giovanni Giacomo and Matheus Machado, together with Prof. Silvia Botelho (Pre-print in the ResearchGate). 2) On Robustness of Robotic and Autonomous Systems Perception: An Assessment of Image Distortion on State-of-the-art Robotic Vision Model from our students Cristiano Steffens and Lucas Messias, together with Prof. Silvia Botelho (Pre-print in the ResearchGate).
01/06/2019 - We are organizing the ROBOTICA 2019 in FURG, including IEEE LARS/SBR, IEEE LARC/CBR, MNR, OBR, WRE, all of them in October in Rio Grande.
01/10/2018 - New conference paper about our Hydrone vehicle published in IEEE IROS with Romulo Rosa, Paulo Evald, Armando Neto (UFMG), Alexandre Horn, Silvia Botelho and Rodrigo Azzolin. The paper is entitled "A Comparative Study on Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Trajectory Estimation of Hybrid Aerial-Aquatic Vehicles". The 3-minutes presentation is available on Youtube Channel.
01/08/2018 - New article about Visualization of CNNs with Eglen, José Bratti, Pedro Ribeiro and Prof. Silvia Botelho to be published in BRACIS 2018. The paper is entitled "Visualization Techniques applied to Image-to-Image Translation".
05/06/2018 - New Institucional Video about C3-FURG (only in portuguese yet).
20/05/2018- We organized the Roboweek, a "summer" school of Robotics with focus in talks, practical activities and a final challenge! Everything transmitted online via facebook! More than a hundred of attendee and many nice things. Photos and videos on facebook!
29/09/2017 - Two new articles published in Sensors and Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems together with PhD. Student Matheus Machado, Master Student Pedro Ribeiro and Prof. Silvia Botelho from NAUTEC-FURG. These papers are also a cooperation with Prof. Pedro Núñez from UNEX-Spain. The works shows the lastest advances in "Object Classification in Semi Structured Enviroment Using Forward-Looking Sonar" and "Object Recognition and Semantic Mapping for Underwater Vehicles Using Sonar Data".
15/09/2017 - Organizing the Roboday in one of the largest fair about technologies to high school students (Mostratec) together with the team of IEEE RAS South Brazil Chapter.
01/09/2017 - Several articles accepted to be published together with many students and colleagues from FURG in the IEEE LARS, SIBGRAPI (DeepDive), ICMLA, ENIAC and SBAI in welding robotization, deep learning applications and mobile robotics.
01/07/2017 - Today I am become a Vice-Chair of the RAS Chapter in the IEEE South Brazil Section together with the Chair Prof. Rodrigo Guerra (UFSM) and the Secretary Prof. Danilo Perico (FEI).
13/06/2017 - New paper published in the SAC 2017 - Automated seam tracking system based on passive monocular vision for automated linear robotic welding process in cooperation with students and colleagues of the NAUTEC-FURG. Copyrighted version available in ACM.
01/01/2017 - New paper about Single Image Restoration in Participating Medium in cooperation with Joel Gaya, Felipe Codevilla, Amanda Duarte and Silvia Botelho - Pre-print available to download on arXiv.
12/12/2016 - Talk presentation in Spanish Universities: Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad de Girona, Universidad de Extremadura. Cooperation in the scopus of the CAPES/DPGU project - UFMG/FURG/UNEX.
30/10/2016 - Awards - Best Latin American PhD dissertation on Robotics 2015/2016 (CTDR/LARS) of my PhD Thesis and Best Latin American MSc thesis on Robotics 2015/2016 (CTDR/LARS) of the work coadvisored by me (Matheus Machado advisored by Prof. Silvia Botel). 2nd Place on the PhD Dissertation Contest on Image Processing/Computer Vision/Computer Graphics in Brazil (WTD/SIBGRAPI). News in the UFMG website (Robotics and Computer Vision).
04/07/2016 - Demo video of the article accepted to be published in the IEEE IROS 2016 entitled Real-Time Monocular Underwater Obstacle Avoidance authored by Paulo Drews-Jr, Emili Hernandez (CSIRO-AU), Alberto Elfes (CSIRO-AU), Erickson R. Nascimento(UFMG-BR) and Mario Campos(UFMG-BR). The draft version of the paper is available in ResearchGate. The copyrighted version will be available in IEEExplorer.
15/05/2016 - Available Matlab code of the UDCP (Underwater Dark Channel Prior) and DCP (Dark Channel Prior) on Section "Codes" in the website.
13/03/2016 - Published paper on IEEE Computer Graphics and Application entitled Underwater Depth Estimation and Image Restoration Based on Single Images in collaboration with Prof. Mario Campos and Erickson Nascimento (UFMG) and Prof. Silvia Botelho (FURG). The draft version of the paper is available in the ResearchGate. The copyrighted version can be found in IEEE.
10/01/2016 - News in a local newspaper about our cooperation with prof. Luiz Felipe Cestari Dumont (IO-FURG) about prediction of the shrimp harvesting on the Patos Lagoon estuary (In Portuguese). Prof. Karina Machado, Eng. Thiago Turra , Eng. Matheus Bauer and MSc. Pedro Puciarelli also collaborate in this project.
01/10/2015 - Presentation of the paper Automatic Restoration of Underwater Monocular Sequences of Images on IEEE IROS 2015 on Youtube. It was developed in collaboration with Dr. Alberto Elfes (ASL - CSIRO - Australia), Prof. Mario Campos and Erickson Nascimento (UFMG - Brazil). Slides for downloading and Paper available for downloading on ResearchGate.
22/07/2015 - Video Demo of the Microalgae Classification project - from previously published paper: Drews-Jr, P. et al. Microalgae classification using semi-supervised and active learning based on Gaussian mixture models. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society , v. 19, p. 411-422, 2013. Link in the Elsevier, and Link for download of the pre-print version on Researchgate
01/07/2015 - Accepted Paper on IEEE IROS 2015 - Automatic Restoration of Underwater Monocular Sequences of Images - In collaboration with Dr. Alberto Elfes (ASL - CSIRO - Australia), Prof. Mario Campos and Erickson Nascimento (UFMG - Brazil) . Available for downloading on ResearchGate.
01/04/2015 - Accepted Paper on IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Real-Time Localization and Dense Mapping in Underwater Environments from a Monocular Sequence - In collaboration with Alejo Concha, Javier Civera (Universidad de Zaragoza). Available for downloading on ResearchGate.
30/01/2015 - Accepted Paper on IEEE ICRA 2015 - Attitude Control for an Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicle: A Robust Switched Strategy with Global Stability together with Armando Alves Neto and Leonardo Mozelli (both from UFSJ-Brazil), and Mario Campos (UFMG-Brazil). Available for downloading on ResearchGate. Available video (poster) of the presentation in ICRA 2015.
18/05/2014 - Accepted Paper on IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014 - A new concept of aerial and underwater vehicle... Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Underwater Vehicle (HUAUV) together with Armando Alves Neto (UFSJ-Brazil) and Mario Campos (UFMG-Brazil). Available for downloading on ResearchGate and IEEE explorer.
16/04/2014 - Talk about Mobile Robotics in IFSUL-Charqueadas (Slides - in portuguese) - Noticia sobre a Palestra no site do IFSUL-Charqueadas.
13/04/2014 - Accepted paper on IEEE/IAPR ICPR 2014 - Generalized Optical Flow Model for Scattering Media - Paulo Drews-Jr, Erickson Nascimento, Arthur Xavier and Mario Campos, 2014. Available for downloading on ResearchGate.
13/02/2014 - Published paper on International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems - A Novel Robust Scene Change Detection Algorithm for Autonomous Robots Using Mixtures of Gaussians - Luis J. Manso, Pedro Núñez, Sidnei da Silva and Paulo Drews-Jr, 11:18, 2014. doi: 10.5772/57360.
01/12/2013 - Published paper on Underwater Images Workshop in ICCV 2013 (Australia) - Transmission Estimation in Underwater Single Images - Paulo Drews-Jr, Erickson Nascimento, Felipe Moraes, Silvia Botelho and Mario Campos
27/11/2013 - Tutorial about ROS and a new Paper about Change Detection in ICAR 2013
12/09/2013 - Event in Cáceres/Spain - Workshop Hispano-Brasileiro in Robótica Autonoma e Inteligencia Robótica (Whisbra)
08/09/2013 - Publication in Journal of Brazilian Computer Society - Microalgae classification using semi-supervised and active learning based on Gaussian mixture models - DOI: 10.1007/s13173-013-0121-y
17/07/2013 - Interview in TV FURG about robotics and automation group - NAUTEC (in portuguese)
05/07/2013 - Publication in Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal (RAS) - Novelty detection and segmentation based on Gaussian mixture models: A case study in 3D robotic laser mapping - DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2013.06.004
01/05/2013 - News about our visit to European Universities (in portuguese)
26/04/2013 - News about our ICRA paper (in portuguese)
14/03/2013 - NAVCOMP - Symposium on Computing and Automation for Offshore Shipbuilding (in portuguese)
13/03/2013 - News about the First test in South Brazil using Underwater Vehicles (in portuguese)
23/10/2012 - News about the Best Paper Award Ceremony of ENIA/BRACIS 2012 (in portuguese)
07/08/2012 - Event - I Workshop INCT Mar COI - Curitiba - Brazil (in portuguese)