Events (co)-organized by me and other colleagues:
SBAI 2021 - SBAI 2021 - Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente
SBR/LARS 2020 - IEEE LARS 2020 - 17th Latin American Robotics Symposium / SBR 2019 - 8th Brazilian Symposium of Robotics
SBR/LARS 2019 - IEEE LARS 2019 - 16th Latin American Robotics Symposium / SBR 2019 - 7th Brazilian Symposium of Robotics
ICAR 2019 - ICAR 2019 - International Conference on Advanced Robotics
ROBOTICA 2019 - The Largest Robotics Event in Latin America
SBR/LARS 2019 - IEEE LARS 2019 - 16th Latin American Robotics Symposium / SBR 2019 - 7th Brazilian Symposium of Robotics
ROBOWEEK 2018 - Escola de Robótica
ROBODAY 2017 - Mostra de Robótica durante a MOSTRATEC 2017
WTSUB 2017 - Workshop de Desafios Tecnológicos em Computação e Automação para o Ecossistema Costeiro e Oceânico
WHIBRA 2013 - Workshop Hispano-Brasileiro de Robótica Autônoma e Inteligência Robótica
NAVCOMP 2013 - Symposia on Automation and Computation for Naval, Offshore and Subsea Industry - II Brazilian Underwater Robotics School
WTSUB 2012 - Workshop on Technological Challenges in Monitoring, Inspection and Automation of Underwater Environments (WTSUB) - I Brazilian Underwater Robotics School